WOPR Summit 0x01

Danny Akacki

Ugh, I hate biographies to much. I guess it's a good place to tell you why you might want to listen to what I have to say. I know security, been doing it for just over a decade. I'm madly in love with the hacker community but I also need to pay the bills so I've moved from analyst to customer facing and corporate operations. The thing that ties those two worlds together is my ability to communicate and translate. I'm pretty good at both so maybe 50 minutes listening to my stories isn't the worst way to spend your time.

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Soft Skills, Soft Hearts: A Customer Success Directors Guide to Communication & Empathy.
Danny Akacki

Before the Cyber Security industry, there were Hackers. Ours is a proud culture of "hey what's this thing do?" Some of us are content to stay in the shadows. Poking, prodding, learning. What about those that want a seat at the table? Especially those to whom public speaking is as natural as breathing water. Let's chat about how to speak to those who don't innately speak out language. Let's hack our way to that seat at their table.

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