WOPR Summit 0x01


Moose has over a decade of experience in information security with the majority of her waking hours (and some not-waking hours) consumed by the ever-burning IR fire.
She is a lover of logs, unallocated space dumpster diver, shaker of malware, and C-level grief counselor.
Moose currently works as a Manager of Incident Response Services at CrowdStrike, is the support-human to 5 cats, and operates a wildlife halfway-house in NYC.

The speaker's profile picture


Couch to 500k: An IR Marathon Survival Guide

We play how we practice, and there's no time like the present to hit the SIEM, flex that change control, and make sure all your business units are in shape.
Join LitMoose, a global incident responder who has handled single disk to 500k+ endpoint environments in the throws of attack, to talk about things you can be doing to prep yourself and your team for surviving the IR marathon. You never know when you'll wake up and find yourself running.

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